Hunter Street Press is interested in works that positively impact the reader and the world. We are particularly interested in Inspirational and Motivational Works, career development, Anthology Series, memoir, self-development, coaching, and business and Leadership books.

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Publishing Services Include

· Project management including: project plan, due dates, timelines, kick-off and follow-up meetings to track and drive on time delivery

· Layout & design of manuscript

· Ebook, paperback, and hardcover options

· Final ebook, paperback, and hardcover files

· Amazon publication with Prime eligibility

· Book title listed in Ingram to support all retail chain distribution

· A watermarked Advanced Reader Copy (ARC)

· ISBN Registration

· Library of Congress Registration

· Copyright Registration

· One printed copy of your book (as applicable)

Estimated Price: $3750 - $6500, each project quoted based on word count and publication readiness


Additional Publishing Services

· Book cover design

· Copy editing

· Professional 3D book image

Estimated Price: Quoted per project for additional publishing services

Important Note:

Publishing pricing does not include: costs to manufacture books nor cost of marketing activities

The publishing process is exciting, both new and experienced authors, find Hunter Street Press professionals as supportive, helpful guides.

The feeling of joy and accomplishment when you hold your book for the first time is unparalleled.

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